   澳洲中国和平统一促进会和澳大利亚华人团体协会,2007年6月17日晚联合在悉尼华埠富丽宫酒楼举行盛大香港回归祖国10周年庆祝晚会,澳中各界人士近400嘉宾莅临庆贺。中国驻悉尼总领事邱绍芳、香港特别行政区政府驻悉尼经济贸易办事处处长华陈真妮、澳大利亚华人团体协会主席吴昌茂、澳洲中国和平统一促进会常务副会长陈星惠、新州前上议院议长Meredith Burgmann在晚会上致词。
   吴昌茂主席、陈星惠常务副会长、Meredith Burgmann前上议院议长也在致词中祝贺香港回归祖国10周年,祝贺「一国两制」取得巨大成功,祝贺香港回归祖国后10年来的取得的巨大成就。
  出席晚会的嘉宾还有中国驻悉尼总领事馆副总领事李超、侨务领事俞康林、陈浩琦、新州前议员John Mills、宝活市副市长王国忠、前新州上议院议员何沈慧霞、悉尼侨领何键刚、澳洲香港商会副主席冼宝安、理事伦桂珑以及悉尼侨领周光明、陈锦忠、林志明、黄翼强、王达谦、潘南弘、梁瑞英、沈铁、邵群、陈玲、沈珏、洪永裕、杨静、李桂平、黄锦华、黄甘燕玲、梁利明、高立勤、林锦珊、涂贵河、陈探真、陈驹华、周森、黄棣楼、苏张燕影、李国兴、陈惟军、韩守谆、陈素莲、蔡开福、陈少伟、许佳子、彭忠诚、伊万诺夫、缪燕茜、连素珍、王纬武、王和春、饶国辉、朱姜良、王建、魏荣明、陈昕、林曙君、王晋榕、黄蕾斯、张劲帆等。朱姜良、王和春任演出总监,沈铁、连素珍主持庆祝晚会。
HKSAR 10th Anniversary Celebration (陈星惠医生发言稿)

1st July 2007 marks a milestone as the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).
The big day itself promises to be a mix of ceremonial and celebratory events for people of Hong Kong, mainland China, oversea Chinese both locally and globally.
Chinese Australian in Sydney likes our counterparts all the world, it does not matter whether you are in New York, Toronto, London, Paris or Johannesburg , will join in to celebrate this event. Hence we are here tonight.
The anniversary provides us with opportunity to look back and reflect.
At the heart of this celebration is the recognition of the success of ‘One Country, Two Systems’.
Hong Kong people are running Hong Kong with the high degree of autonomy and the Central Government has been unwavering in its commitment to make this happen.
Ten years ago, Time’s sister magazine, Fortune, predicted that the return of Hong Kong to the motherland would sound the death knell for the Pearl of the East.
However, in its latest cover story entitled “Hong Kong’s future: Sunshine, with clouds”.
Time admits it made a mistake.
The following are excerpts of the article.
“So it is with Hong Kong.  At just past midnight on July 1 1977,in the glittering and poignant ceremony ,Hong Kong passed from being the last jewel of an old empire to a component of a new global power.
Hong Kong matters not only because it is vital driveshaft of the global economy, transmitting the raw power of China’s manufacturing capability into a worldwide system of distributing consumer goods. The city matters because it is a unique experiment that will probably succeed but could possibly fail: the creation of a free, international city within China .In the short period since a collection of fishing villages were turned into a modern metropolis, Hong Kong has survived war, waves of refugees, pestilence, drought and economic near-implosions, consistently defying the doomsayers, repeatedly rebounding.”
Hong Kong is more alive than ever.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I like to give you some facts and figures if it has not been given by the previous few speakers.
In 1997, the stock index, a key barometer of Hong Kong’s health, stood at the then record of 15200, today it hover near the 21000 mark.
From    1997 to 2007,
The total external trade almost double from HK $2.9 trillion to HK $5 trillion.
The mobile phone penetration increased 4 times from 2.1 million sets to 9.4 million sets.
The GDP per capital has increased to US $27,600, despite the fact that during the period Hong Kong has weathered the Asian financial crisis, Avian Flu, a property slump, high employment and the SARS outbreak.
So Ladies and Gentlemen:
There are many reasons that we should celebrate .Let’s party on.
In closing, I would like to quote the Economist Mr. David O’Rear:
“Hong Kong is a pulsating organism made up of the most enterprising conglomeration humanity the world has ever known. That will never change. Identity crisis or no, Hong Kong understands that it’s damned lucky to have become a part of China at so fortuitous a time, when the mainland is becoming ever freer and more open and in a position to give its hybrid, somewhat alien, child, more opportunity than it could possibly have dreamed of.”
I sincerely hope that across the straits, Mr. Chen and his mob will understand all these.
To Hong Kong.
Happy anniversary!

澳洲中国和平统一促进会 版权所有@2005-2014